Groundbreaking Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Deal logo


  • Milton Keynes awarded £22.7 million

    June 2020




    July 2020

    Milton Keynes was successful in securing an award of £22.7 million as part of the Governments Town Fund to invest in Bletchley & Fenny Stratford.
  • Town Investment Plan produced

    July 2020




    October 2020

    The Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal Board was established in July 2020 to lead the bid and work with the community to ensure local people are involved in the shaping the future of their area. The has resulted in the production of the Town Investment Plan, which outlines the opportunities, priorities and vision for this funding.
  • Principles, concepts and information gathering

    October 2020




    June 2022

    Gather thoughts, ideas and aspirations from the community to inform project proposals. Note that COVID-19 impacted timescales.
  • Construction and opening of Bletchley Park Block E and Auditorium

    June 2022




    October 2023

    Construction and official Opening of Block E former wartime building converted to a fully functional auditorium
  • Bletchley Park hosts the international AI Summit

    November 2023




    November 2023

    Bletchley Park made history in November 2023 by hosting the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety Summit. The 'Bletchley Declaration' is signed by the international community which aims to boost cooperation on AI intelligence and safety.
  • Brunel Centre Development Brief Consultation and Approval

    December 2023




    February 2024

    Consultation on the Brunel Centre Development Brief. It was approved by Delegated Decision on 27 February 2024
  • MK College and Tech Park Launch

    March 2024




    March 2024

    Tech Park launched to drive digital skills in Bletchley & Fenny Stratford.
  • Redways Construction and Opening

    September 2023




    July 2024

    Official completion and opening of the Blue Lagoon Redway Links.
  • Demolition of Sainsburys Site

    July 2024




    October 2024

    Demolition of the Sainsbury's Bletchley site to take place through summer 2024. This will enable the future redevelopment of this site.
  • Queensway, Aylesbury Street & Saxon Street Improvements Consultation

    03 August 2024




    22 September 2024

    Gather more detailed community aspirations relating to elements of the refined masterplan proposals.
  • Review and response to community feedback

    October 2024




    December 2024

    Programme team to review all feedback and incorporate changes before detailing these changes to the community.
  • Detailed Design

    December 2024




    May 2025

    Following incorporation of feedback, the programme will undertake detailed design work for the public realm improvements on Queensway, Aylesbury Street and Saxon Street.
  • Construction works

    Summer 2025




    Summer 2026

    Construction works to commence for Queensway, Aylesbury Street and Saxon Street.